Start with Water
365 Daily Gratitude and Clarity Journey, is designed to encourage stillness and gratitude first thing, every morning for just 5 minutes.
The system consists of:
• 32 oz water bottle
Our bodies are 75% water, and beginning your day this way encourages movement, fluidity and hydration at the beginning of your day.
• 52 cm round buckwheat filled, meditation pillow (Seek ye first... Matthew 6:33)
Buckwheat hull grounds you, regulates body temperature, and encourages physical alignment.
• 5 minute hour glass ( God can do in 5 minutes what we can’t in a lifetime)
Because we need to be reminded of this simple fact.
• 365 Daily Gratitude and Clarity Journal
Each day has a scripture at the top of the page to remind you of God’s promises. And also space to write down 3-5 things that you are grateful for.
It’s spiritual, soul work.
This Journey consists of a 5-minute daily routine that, if you show up for yourself, will begin to bring the clarity you’ve been looking for.
Let the journey begin.